Company details -
Feldbinder Spezialfahrzeugwerke GmbH
Feldbinder Spezialfahrzeugwerke GmbH
Werk Winsen
Gutenbergstraße 12-26
21423 Winsen (Luhe)
Fon: +49 (4171) 695-0
Managers and authorized representatives:
Dirk Feldbinder
Olaf Feldbinder
Dr. Nina Lorea Kley
Wolf-Dietrich Kley
Registration address: Lüneburg
HRB 110541
VAT ID no. as per § 27a
DE 811 177 985
Liability note:
Even though continual checks have been carried out, we shall not be liable for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked pages shall bear sole responsibility for their contents. The provider shall not be liable for the accuracy, integrity and topicality of the given information. We would like to point out that information related to the dimensions and weights of vehicles is a collection of approximations based on the standard design.